Culture: Warrenese


Warrenese is one of Eyom's major cultures. It's reach covers 2154464 square kilometers in central Eyom, and is comprised of aproximently 35997597 individuals in urban centers.



The majority of Warrenese's art is effectively only commissioned by members of the government. Artistic endevors are primarily funded independently, while artists themselves are generaly treated with respect. Warrenese uses the majority of its art as a general faset of everyday life, primarily by remembering loved ones. Warrenese also uses its art for: celebrating life, illuminating texts for ease of understanding, combating political agendas, creating new cultural norms, and immortalizing key figures of history and mythology.

Warrenese's major laws relating to the creation of art are; may not posativly depict national rivals and state enamies, and must be authorised by all relevent athorities if the art is to be publicly displayed. Art is concidered to be taboo if it sexualizes the subjects, depicts violence against children, or containg oxplatives or other obseen content. Works which are either illegal or taboo are ignored.

Presently, the Warrenese greatly favor the visual arts. They primarily focused on drawing, with their greatest works consisting of illustrated portraits of individuals. Their art showed a particular emphasis on hues, intensity, and shapes. The foremost artisan within this medium and time was the artist space, texture, and forms hues, value, and colors poems with a structure that uses refrains and callbacks as a means to emphasize the importance of particular lines to the overall poem. This form of poem is almost exclusively used to tell a grand and epic story, generally depicting mythological or heroic events poems written in the fashion of traditional folk ballads, in essence, a song without music to accompany it. This form of poem is almost exclusively used to tell a grand and epic story, generally depicting mythological or heroic events plays consisting primarily of songs which have been expanded upon with distinct rolls and actors, usually to tell a story, but occasionally to recant events, or codify mythology and often with each song being written expressly to tell a part of the play's story plays consisting primarily of songs which have been expanded upon with distinct rolls and actors, usually to tell a story, but occasionally to recant events, or codify mythology and often with each song being written expressly to tell a part of the play's story I̊dwůh́ H́åch́ayḿ H́åhkah́ik Poland Gardiner Howfield, whose works are typicaly the first ones thought of and mentioned when discussing the Warrenese's artwork of the current era.

In the Literary Arts, they primarily focused on literary fiction, with their greatest works consisting of a form of fiction writing where the author takes grate care to attempt to create a believable world which differs from reality only by the change of one or more key historical events, often used to illustrate the importance of those events outcomes. The foremost artisan within this medium and time was the author space, texture, and forms hues, value, and colors poems with a structure that uses refrains and callbacks as a means to emphasize the importance of particular lines to the overall poem. This form of poem is almost exclusively used to tell a grand and epic story, generally depicting mythological or heroic events poems written in the fashion of traditional folk ballads, in essence, a song without music to accompany it. This form of poem is almost exclusively used to tell a grand and epic story, generally depicting mythological or heroic events plays consisting primarily of songs which have been expanded upon with distinct rolls and actors, usually to tell a story, but occasionally to recant events, or codify mythology and often with each song being written expressly to tell a part of the play's story plays consisting primarily of songs which have been expanded upon with distinct rolls and actors, usually to tell a story, but occasionally to recant events, or codify mythology and often with each song being written expressly to tell a part of the play's story I̊dwůh́ H́åch́ayḿ H́åhkah́ik Poland Gardiner Howfield, whose works are typically the first ones thought of and mentioned when discussing the Warrenese's artwork of the current era.

In the Preforming Arts, they primarily focused on dance, with their greatest works consisting of a formalized form of dance preformed for an audience, involving a number of dancers using elaborate synchronized movements intermixed with graceful leaps and bounds, but especially spinning on the point of the foot. The foremost artisan within this medium and time was the dancer space, texture, and forms hues, value, and colors poems with a structure that uses refrains and callbacks as a means to emphasize the importance of particular lines to the overall poem. This form of poem is almost exclusively used to tell a grand and epic story, generally depicting mythological or heroic events poems written in the fashion of traditional folk ballads, in essence, a song without music to accompany it. This form of poem is almost exclusively used to tell a grand and epic story, generally depicting mythological or heroic events plays consisting primarily of songs which have been expanded upon with distinct rolls and actors, usually to tell a story, but occasionally to recant events, or codify mythology and often with each song being written expressly to tell a part of the play's story plays consisting primarily of songs which have been expanded upon with distinct rolls and actors, usually to tell a story, but occasionally to recant events, or codify mythology and often with each song being written expressly to tell a part of the play's story I̊dwůh́ H́åch́ayḿ H́åhkah́ik Poland Gardiner Howfield, whose works are typically the first ones thought of and mentioned when discussing the Warrenese's artwork of the current era.

Pop Culture

Warrenese's popular culture is dominated by literature and painting. These arts are made avalible to the public through public trusts for the arts.

Manual Prompt:How has changing technology impacted popular culture?

Manual Prompt:How has popular culture impacted traditional arts and crafts?

Manual Prompt:How has popular culture impacted attitudes towards the arts?

High Culture

Warrenese's high culture is dominated by sculpture and ceramics. These arts are made avalible to members of the cultural eliet through public trusts for the arts.

Manual Prompt:How is access to high culture restricted?

Manual Prompt:Who is unable, or less able, to access high culture?

Manual Prompt:What are the attitudes towards high culture artists, and how do they differ to popular artists?

Manual Prompt:How has high culture changed over time?

Manual Prompt:What subject matters does high culture avoid, and how is that governed?

Communication And The Spread Of Ideas

Manual Prompt:What are the common forms of communication, and how are they used?

Manual Prompt:What methods do people have to fact check?

Manual Prompt:To investigate or research further?

Manual Prompt:How much emphasis is placed on non-verbal communication?

Manual Prompt:What steps people might take to make sure their messages are understood, and maintain their original meaning?

Manual Prompt:What barriers and inequalities are there to using communication?

Manual Prompt:What legal and social restrictions are there on communication?


The major Warrenese holidays are:

  1. astrology
  2. puppetry
  3. shoemaking
  4. watching movies
  5. cardistry

Manual Prompt:What is the holiday?

Manual Prompt:When is it held?

Manual Prompt:What does it represent?

Manual Prompt:How is it celebrated or marked?

Manual Prompt:What economic barriers are there to travel?

Manual Prompt:What social barriers are there to travel?

Manual Prompt:What legal barriers are there to travel?

Manual Prompt:What are the popular holiday destinations?

Manual Prompt:What are the popular holiday activities?

Gender and Gender Roles

Manual Prompt:Which genders are recognised?

Manual Prompt:How is gender assigned?

Manual Prompt:What are the typical gender roles and expectations?

Manual Prompt:WWhat’s the stance on equality?

Subcultures and Alternative Lifestyles

Manual Prompt:What subcultures exist alongside the main culture?

Manual Prompt:What subcultures oppose the main culture?

Manual Prompt:Which subcultures are protected by law?

Manual Prompt:Which subcultures are criminalised?

Manual Prompt:What alternative lifestyles exist?

Universal Fears

The top five most common fears found within Warrenese's members are:

  1. Heights
  2. Economic/Financial collapse
  3. Dying
  4. Arcane Weapons attack
  5. Being hit by a drunk driver

Money and Wealth

In Warrenese culture, wealth and money is seen as something one should avoid if possible. The poor have little to no opinion on the wealthy, while the wealthy have no real opinions on the poor. Opertunities for scocial mobility exist for those with genuine buisness accumine and ambishion, and Warrenese communities are supprisingly balanced in terms of income inequality. Broadly speaking, education is avalible to anyone who can afford it, carrer options are restricted by class [with some exceptions], homes and family-related infrastructure avalible to everyone, healthcare is avalible to a majority of citizens at fair prices, and anyone with wealth can gain scocial or political power.

Manual Prompt:What beliefs or saying are there about money?

Food, Meals, and Mealtime

Warrenese's members typicaly eat three meals, one at midmorning, one at noon, and one in the evening, which are eaten in a group, typicaly of familymembers. Manual Prompt: What practicalities or beliefs have created this norm? Where is the impact of this seen in life?

The staple ingredients of Warrenese cuisine are corn, squash and beans. Called the "three sisters", they have been staples of Warrenese agriculture since ancient times. Beans are served whole or refried, and both styles can be used as filling for tostadas, tacos, burritos and similar dishes. Many bean varieties are consumed but the pinto bean is the most iconic bean of Warrenese cuisine. Warrenese food is distinguished by the use of chile peppers as the primary seasoning. They are used as a topping for virtually every dish from pizza to bagels, or just fried tempura and eaten whole. Most dishes, from burritos to scrambled eggs, are served with plentiful amounts of chile sauce.

Warrenese culture has several prominant folk festivals and sun festivals, which are cullinarily significent due to cullinary compitishions being a popular part of the festivals

Manual Prompt:What behaviour is impolite while eating?

Manual Prompt:What behaviour is polite while eating?

Manual Prompt:What superstitions are there about food?

Manual Prompt:What rites of passage are there around food?


Warrenese's members typicaly prefer to work most of the time, which is a pleasure enjoied typicaly by wealthy, and expressly denied to the poor, though plenty of average people still find time for recreation.

Popular adult pasttimes include:

  1. mazes [indoor/outdoor]
  2. worldbuilding
  3. quizzes
  4. stand-up comedy
  5. genealogy

Popular pasttimes for children include:

  1. candle making
  2. storytelling
  3. practical jokes
  4. book restoration
  5. construction

Manual Prompt:How are these influenced by the values of your culture?

Manual Prompt:How are these influenced by climate and topography?

Manual Prompt:What restrictions on leisure activity are written into law?

Manual Prompt:What restrictions are based on social values?

Manual Prompt:What are the religious restrictions?

Manual Prompt:What are the wealth restrictions?

Charity and Wellfare

In Warrenese culture acts of charity are generaly preformed on rare occasions, for reasons specific to the doner. Doners are typicaly seen as kind and compassionate individuals by the rest of their culture. Donations are typicaly made to assist the sick, with notably less going to other groups in need.

As with all of Eyom's cultures, general wellfare is of excelent quality and reach. Food and shelter programs are ubiquitious, even if only to ensure all able-bodies members of scociety are healthy enough to be laborers. Programs to assist the poor with accuiring basic nessities such as clothing, tools for their porfession, etc are also quite common. These institutions are typicaly backed by Gnollish banks, though most nations have set up their own financial institutions to handle these programs affairs more effishently. Such acts are seen as a means of keeping scociety at large healthy and prosperious by limiting non-contributors to those who either cannot, or simply will not be productive mebers of scociety.

Manual Prompt:Who is ineligible for chairy or wellfare?

Health, Fitness, and Beauty Standards

Manual Prompt:What are the physical health standards?

Manual Prompt:What are the mental health standards?

Manual Prompt:How do people improve their health?

Manual Prompt:How are sickness and disability viewed?

Manual Prompt:What is the ideal body?

Manual Prompt:How are beauty ideals perpetuated?

Manual Prompt:What happens to those that fall short?


Manual Prompt:Which personality traits are valued?

Manual Prompt:Which personality traits are disliked?

Manual Prompt:How are these preferences seen in society?

Manual Prompt:How do valued traits feed into life goals?

Manual Prompt:How are those with valued/unvalued traits treated differently?


Manual Prompt:What is expected of the patriotic in times of war?

Manual Prompt:What is expected of the patriotic in times of peace?

Manual Prompt:What are the consequences for unpatriotic behaviour in times of war?

Manual Prompt:What are the consequences for unpatriotic behaviour in times of peace?

Manual Prompt:What are the rewards for patriotic behaviour?

Manual Prompt:What level of patriotism is legally required?

Manual Prompt:What are some examples of extreme patriotism?


Manual Prompt:What diversity is evident in your world?

Manual Prompt:What laws exist to protect diverse characteristics?

Manual Prompt:What laws exist against diverse characteristics?

Manual Prompt:What cultural prejudice exists?

Manual Prompt:What diversity is concealed?

Integration and Exclusion

Manual Prompt:Who is fully welcomed in your culture?

Manual Prompt:Who is expected to make adjustments and integrate themselves?

Manual Prompt:Who is still striving for acceptance?

Manual Prompt:How does public opinion differ from the law?

Manual Prompt:What behaviour will result in exclusion from society?

Manual Prompt:What behaviour will result in exclusion from society?

Manual Prompt:Is there a chance of redemption?

Aspirations And Goals

Manual Prompt:What are the big life goals and aspirations?

Manual Prompt:How are these encouraged through...

  1. Education?
  2. Employment?
  3. Religion?
  4. Expectations and Norms?
  5. Education?

Some superstitions common to Warrenese culture are:

  1. Kissing a baby will make them nymphomaniac for life.
  2. If you say the same word as someone in unison, neither of you will ever find love.
  3. Letting your purse touch the floor will make you poor.
  4. Yo-Yos can cause drought if used incorrectly.
  5. Eating 12 grapes at exactly midnight on a new year will break a curse for someone somewhere in the world.

Manual Prompt:Create orgins for each.

Bad Manners and Insults

Some superstitions common to Warrenese culture are:

  1. Moving slower than the people ahead of you on a public street.
  2. Telling white lies.
  3. Showing up to a party without a beverage or dish for the party.
  4. Cutting in line.
  5. Taking credit for others work.

Some commonly used insults in Warrenese culture are:

  1. bawbag
  2. vampire
  3. jerk water
  4. donkey dick
  5. stinker
Heroes and Villains

Manual Prompt:List some historical heroes

Manual Prompt:List some historical villains

Manual Prompt:List some contemporary heroes

Manual Prompt:List some contemporary villains

Manual Prompt:List the scapegoats in your culture

Family Structures

Manual Prompt:Who is typically the head of a family?

Manual Prompt:How important is family?

Manual Prompt:How do the different generations live together?

Manual Prompt:How are family trees tracked?

Manual Prompt:How are marriages and partnerships organised?

Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood

Manual Prompt:Who supports the mother through pregnancy?

Manual Prompt:Who is present at the birth?

Manual Prompt:How are pregnant women viewed?

Manual Prompt:Who helps after the birth?

Manual Prompt:How does life change for the parents?

Coming of Age

Manual Prompt:When does a child officially become an adult?

Manual Prompt:What coming of age milestones are celebrated?

Manual Prompt:Which milestones are unacknowledged?

Manual Prompt:How is the transition to adulthood marked?

Manual Prompt:How does life change for the parents?

Manual Prompt:When are children expected to leave home?

Manual Prompt:What expectations are placed on those entering adulthood?

Rites of Passage

Manual Prompt:What rites of passage celebrations exist for:

  1. Births?
  2. Birthdays?
  3. Educational milestones?
  4. Religious milestones?
  5. Other life milestones?
  6. Marriages?
  7. Deaths?

Manual Prompt:How have rites of passage changed?

Love and Romance

Warrenese culture holds the love between friends in the highest esteeme. Of the diffrent varrieties of friendly love, storge [Familiar Love, that of parents and child, or childhood friends] is seen as the most important and sacrad type of bond. The love found between significent others is seen as important, but nowhere near as much as storge. The love found between family members is seen as important, but nowhere near as much as storge.

Warrenese culture favors monogamy. Monogamy is the practice of having only one sexual/romantic partner at time. Monogamous couples can be married or not married - the partners just agree that they will not have sex with anyone else while they are in this relationship.

Manual Prompt:What are typical acts of romance?

Manual Prompt:What romantic celebrations are there?


Manual Prompt:What differing views about sexuality exist?

Manual Prompt:How public is sexuality?

Manual Prompt:What contradictions exist?